Monday, September 25, 2006

Whew...what a ride

Well, its been exactly one month since my last post and I have officially exactly no news to deliver. The only thing that has happened is me putting my university preferences after procrastinating for weeks. I put down three journalism/law courses, and then picked the rest at random - commerce, economics, and one medical science course, just to have a bit of variety.

This past month has been so boring, I bet even studying (for the HSC of course) would be more interesting, however, I am simply too lazy and demotivated to bother studying. Instead, I have opted to sit on the mezzanine(?) level of the library, and listen to music on the yahoo website. Unfortunately, it is a commercial website and I seem to be listening to a lot more American ads that actual music. Also, I have open like...10 webpages, and I slowed the computer down.

Oh alright, I haven't been entirely truthful. I had this one really bad day, when I thought I could walk to the shopping centre from school. Unfortunately (for me that is), I forgot there was an extra road that I didn't include in my 'calculations', and nearly had a breakdown in the middle of the road when I saw how far the shops were. I thought it was at the bottom of the giant hill, but there were two more roads, and I nearly started crying at the prospect of walking so far. Some people (I use this term in the loosest possible sense) decided it would be a good idea to honk and laugh at me. Yeah yeah, there are some sad, sad people in this world who get excited when they see school girls.

Also, my beloved Ricky Muscat was saved from elimination two weeks ago (go Ricky!!). It was too bad stupid, annoying, arrogant Dean Gayer (than Elton John ha ha bad joke I know) didn't get voted out from Australian Idol. ARRRGHH!! He was sooooooo close to going too!

A few people have also been pretty excited about footy this past month. Not being a very big fan of footy, I am still annoyed at the Broncos for going through. How can Nsw, with like 99% of all football teams not qualify? how?? I am also pleased (how Queen Victoria-ish of me!) to note that Sydney Swans got through...its kinda like de ja vu innit? But its good the Victorians didn't get through (take that Eddie Maguaire!)

Well thats the news for the I am probably going to translocate this blog to my space...can anyone suggest a better place?