Sunday, January 14, 2007

Don't fret folks, I'm back in the building...

Okay, by popular request (thanks 'Bob' for reminding me), I have decided to resurrect this dying page, called a 'blog' by some people. Unfortunately, those 'people' seem to have decided to spend their time in more worthy activities than reading my 'blog'.

Since last September 2006, which is when my last post is dated, exactly NOTHING seems to have happened in my life. Sure we got the dreaded HSC results back, but even then, I seemed to have lost the initial 'looking-forward-to' feeling.

The hols began pretty well I suppose - I could look forward to 5 months of R&R before uni began. Unfortunately, this also meant I was supposed to be job hunting and employing my time in a constructive manner. So thus I got my first ever job - yes, something that actually paid money for my efforts. I must say it was a good change to charity badge selling and work experience week, which paid me exactly NIL amouts of money.

Let me tell you from experience that working in a newsagents is so not what its cut out to be. Firstly, there are all these old people who come in, spending large amounts of cash on Lotto tickets. Not only do they seem to be wasting government pension money on something that has like a one in a billion chance of winning, they were also hard of hearing and intent on telling me about their million grandkids.
Okay, here I must agree with a thought that someone voiced out in a droll eco class. However, to voice out that thought, even on the world wide web, would be in conflict with one of my new years resolutions. Thus I leave you to imagine this thought that involves lots of old people and an island. (Okay I must add here that I worked for exactly one day, and then parted with mutual feelings on both sides. Details as to the termination of employment will be adde on at a later date due to long length of this post already).

Speaking of New Year's Resolutions, here are mine:

1) Try and save humanity - I think I am going to need to help wo/mankind from devolving backwards (for further thoughts on stupid people, refer to previous entry)
2) Stop laughing at other people's misfortunes - a really bad habit I must learn to control. (Some how I feel karma will be coming to bite me in the ass about this).
3) Learn to play an instrument.
4) Actually write something and get it published.

To acheive these, I think I will have to actually do something and eliminate habits of going out, playing computer games and lounging about. Phew, makes me tired just thinking about it....