Tuesday, January 16, 2007

MY Depths of Despair

Yesterday dawned on fine and sunny, the light rays filtering through the blinds pleasently rousing me from my deep slumber. I think I might have been dreaming about something in relation to my atrocious driving abilities, but nothing could have prepared me for the nightmare that would begin as soon as I awoke.

I dragged myself groggily in the general direction of the bathroom, and happened to glance at the mirror that hung above the sink. The image that greeted my eyes shocked me to my very core. Something (and I strongly suspect a small insect) had crawled into my room and bitten me on the cheek region, leaving behind a ginormous bite thingy. In retrospect, it was actually barely noticeable in comparasion to the five bits on my leg which are now the size of large red pebbles.

Anyway, I was getting late to go out shopping, and I pushed it out of my mind. Upon returning home rather late-ish, I decided to rub some Tiger Balm onto the swollen regions to relieve some of the itching. The burning senstation on my face was kinda strong, but it disguised the annoying itch anyway. However, upon looking at the spot after a quarter of an hour, I realised something was terribly wrong.

A large darkish circle now surrounded the bite. Paranoia controlled my mind as I tried not to panic. Is it some sort of exotic fungal disease? I seemed to have gone from bad to worse. After wallowing in self-pity for an hour and generally acting diva-ish, I decided to go to bed. Sleep is often the cure to all problems I say.

However, in a rather anti-climax-ish way, I got up this morning to see that the skin didn't only blister, it also turned brown, giving me the appearence of a dirt streak/fungal infection on my face. I can't seem to stop looking at it in the mirror every five minutes, transfixed at the ugly bumpy texture it adds to my face. It is quite possibly the grossiest most disgusting thing I have ever seen, apart from the picture I created in my mind of a half-developed, deformed chicken crawling out of its shell, with 2 heads and 7 legs.

Ugh more later, I need to check if my first degree burn is healing.