Sunday, February 04, 2007


So there I was, sitting under the scorching sun watching the Australian cricket match against the Poms, when I decided to glance at the replay board. The words were boldly emblazoned (upon a large flag) "It's Un-Australian to not tonk a Pom". It soon had me thinking, what exactly does it involve being Australian? Is it the traditional, barbecue cooking, beach going, beer drinking, footy-watching-ness?
I mean, race and culture in today's world are very delicate subjects (which is a shame if you ask me - I mean hello this is 21st century people!!). Yet we pride ourselves on being "multicultural". So, if we are indeed multicultural, shouldn't we be promoting chinese, indian, indonesian, malaysian, egyptian, lebanese (etc etc) cuisine along with the "traditional" meat pie and sausage rolls? (But if you think about it, its not exactly like we invented meat pies for it to be our national food).
However, let me make it clear that I am not abusing/insulting our great country. I mean I love Australia and am one of the first people to dress up in green and gold at any occasion, yet I cant help being a little confused. How is it possible to say we are multicultural, when the only times I see it being promoted is during election time/australia day?
Then again, its not very fair to diss Mel Gibson when he showed to the world what being australian really is - drunk and racist.

Anyway, I think I will end this rant as my disgust for such strong subjects overcomes me. "Live and Let Live" is my motto, and I shall leave the politics to others of "superior" intelligence. Keep updated on this blog for further articles on "Cricketers - Hot in real life or Not"