Sunday, May 27, 2007

Life so far....

It has been ages - and I mean AGES - since I've updated my lil plot in cyberspace. If this was a plot in real life, I'm pretty sure it would be over-run with weeds, bird droppings, overgrown trees, hobos etc etc. Luckily there aren't any houses on that could be burnt down.

Anyway, let me get to the low down so far. My life as I knew it before - you know, filled with exciting things such as the email from Andrew G, skateboarding etc - are officially over. Now comes the dry, arid desert of life where one looks over at the horizon and sees nothing but gloom and desolation. Law school is heaps boring and is the leading cause to the degradation my vocabulary and other English/creative facilites have suffered.

Maybe I'll wake up tomorrow and find out life isn't so boring. However, I don't think I'll hold my breath on that - it hasnt happened so far.

Here's a shout out to my lil jaybird - thanks for everything


Saturday, March 03, 2007


Gosh I'm so bored I've decided to post on here. Not that there's anything wrong with posting on blogs, but I view it as the ultimate bored-person's-last-alternative-to-survival. Seriously, I've even given up playing on Runescape (shush don't laugh). I'm so bored I've decided to continue my whinging on this public thingie that one person including myself reads.

Varsity enrolments have been long completed since the last time I blogged on, and first week has already concluded. As fresh first-year meat, we had the privilege of having O-week set up to entertain us. This included free stuff from society stalls :) Unfortunately, it also included an extremely large number of dodgy christian groups from unnamed denominations preying upon our gullible minds. Many of these simply called themselves "youth groups", which I assume is code for "hillsongers". Not that I have anything against hillsongers, I do get annoyed when they try to lure me with free chupa chups.

Large amounts of textbooks were bought and sold all over the place, with yours truly finding a nice bargain. Unfortunately, the lines for the book-shop were still super long by the end of the week, with average waiting times of one point five hours. Procrastination, being one of my fine qualities, ensured I was one of that number.

After suffering the disappointment of first-week (not that I expected much in the first place), I s'pose I can look forward to huge workloads and writing my spanky novel! Yes I do plan to get published still. Unfortunately, large breaks from writing has degenerated both my vocabulary and grammar to the state of a particulary slow three year old of Norwegian background.


Sunday, February 04, 2007


So there I was, sitting under the scorching sun watching the Australian cricket match against the Poms, when I decided to glance at the replay board. The words were boldly emblazoned (upon a large flag) "It's Un-Australian to not tonk a Pom". It soon had me thinking, what exactly does it involve being Australian? Is it the traditional, barbecue cooking, beach going, beer drinking, footy-watching-ness?
I mean, race and culture in today's world are very delicate subjects (which is a shame if you ask me - I mean hello this is 21st century people!!). Yet we pride ourselves on being "multicultural". So, if we are indeed multicultural, shouldn't we be promoting chinese, indian, indonesian, malaysian, egyptian, lebanese (etc etc) cuisine along with the "traditional" meat pie and sausage rolls? (But if you think about it, its not exactly like we invented meat pies for it to be our national food).
However, let me make it clear that I am not abusing/insulting our great country. I mean I love Australia and am one of the first people to dress up in green and gold at any occasion, yet I cant help being a little confused. How is it possible to say we are multicultural, when the only times I see it being promoted is during election time/australia day?
Then again, its not very fair to diss Mel Gibson when he showed to the world what being australian really is - drunk and racist.

Anyway, I think I will end this rant as my disgust for such strong subjects overcomes me. "Live and Let Live" is my motto, and I shall leave the politics to others of "superior" intelligence. Keep updated on this blog for further articles on "Cricketers - Hot in real life or Not"


Tuesday, January 16, 2007

MY Depths of Despair

Yesterday dawned on fine and sunny, the light rays filtering through the blinds pleasently rousing me from my deep slumber. I think I might have been dreaming about something in relation to my atrocious driving abilities, but nothing could have prepared me for the nightmare that would begin as soon as I awoke.

I dragged myself groggily in the general direction of the bathroom, and happened to glance at the mirror that hung above the sink. The image that greeted my eyes shocked me to my very core. Something (and I strongly suspect a small insect) had crawled into my room and bitten me on the cheek region, leaving behind a ginormous bite thingy. In retrospect, it was actually barely noticeable in comparasion to the five bits on my leg which are now the size of large red pebbles.

Anyway, I was getting late to go out shopping, and I pushed it out of my mind. Upon returning home rather late-ish, I decided to rub some Tiger Balm onto the swollen regions to relieve some of the itching. The burning senstation on my face was kinda strong, but it disguised the annoying itch anyway. However, upon looking at the spot after a quarter of an hour, I realised something was terribly wrong.

A large darkish circle now surrounded the bite. Paranoia controlled my mind as I tried not to panic. Is it some sort of exotic fungal disease? I seemed to have gone from bad to worse. After wallowing in self-pity for an hour and generally acting diva-ish, I decided to go to bed. Sleep is often the cure to all problems I say.

However, in a rather anti-climax-ish way, I got up this morning to see that the skin didn't only blister, it also turned brown, giving me the appearence of a dirt streak/fungal infection on my face. I can't seem to stop looking at it in the mirror every five minutes, transfixed at the ugly bumpy texture it adds to my face. It is quite possibly the grossiest most disgusting thing I have ever seen, apart from the picture I created in my mind of a half-developed, deformed chicken crawling out of its shell, with 2 heads and 7 legs.

Ugh more later, I need to check if my first degree burn is healing.


Sunday, January 14, 2007

I Don't Feel Like Dancing.........Lets Sing Instead

Here are some of my favourite bands/singers of all time. Tell me if you notice something odd about the line-up:

1) Travis
This has got to be THE best band of the 90's. Originally Scottish, they consist of hotties like Dougie Payne, Francis Healy, Neil Primrose and Andy Dunlop.

I think they're probably best know for songs such as 'Why Does It Always Rain on Me' and 'Driftwood', but are also know for their numerous B-Sides which I think out number their singles.

Fran (the hot singer with the mohawk) also has one of the most remarkable, dreamy voices I've ever heard and a HUGE vocal range similar to Isaac Slade in THE FRAY.

2) The Fray

Should probably be best know for the hot singer Isaac (the guy with the mohawk). Probably has THE dreamiest voices ever, evident in singles such as How to Save a Life and Over My Head (Cable Car). Unfortunately, they have the tendency to be played on the Christian Radio station, which cannot be too good for publicity.

3) Jamiroquai
I think I've done a post on Jay Kay before. Nevertheless, I do enjoy googling up pictures for Jay which I will now include in this post. Best known for his magnetic personality and concern for the environment (which did not stop him from buy a Ferrari, I might add). Of course, we must not forget Acid Jazz classics such as Virtual Insanity, Cosmic Girl and Little L.

Don't fret folks, I'm back in the building...

Okay, by popular request (thanks 'Bob' for reminding me), I have decided to resurrect this dying page, called a 'blog' by some people. Unfortunately, those 'people' seem to have decided to spend their time in more worthy activities than reading my 'blog'.

Since last September 2006, which is when my last post is dated, exactly NOTHING seems to have happened in my life. Sure we got the dreaded HSC results back, but even then, I seemed to have lost the initial 'looking-forward-to' feeling.

The hols began pretty well I suppose - I could look forward to 5 months of R&R before uni began. Unfortunately, this also meant I was supposed to be job hunting and employing my time in a constructive manner. So thus I got my first ever job - yes, something that actually paid money for my efforts. I must say it was a good change to charity badge selling and work experience week, which paid me exactly NIL amouts of money.

Let me tell you from experience that working in a newsagents is so not what its cut out to be. Firstly, there are all these old people who come in, spending large amounts of cash on Lotto tickets. Not only do they seem to be wasting government pension money on something that has like a one in a billion chance of winning, they were also hard of hearing and intent on telling me about their million grandkids.
Okay, here I must agree with a thought that someone voiced out in a droll eco class. However, to voice out that thought, even on the world wide web, would be in conflict with one of my new years resolutions. Thus I leave you to imagine this thought that involves lots of old people and an island. (Okay I must add here that I worked for exactly one day, and then parted with mutual feelings on both sides. Details as to the termination of employment will be adde on at a later date due to long length of this post already).

Speaking of New Year's Resolutions, here are mine:

1) Try and save humanity - I think I am going to need to help wo/mankind from devolving backwards (for further thoughts on stupid people, refer to previous entry)
2) Stop laughing at other people's misfortunes - a really bad habit I must learn to control. (Some how I feel karma will be coming to bite me in the ass about this).
3) Learn to play an instrument.
4) Actually write something and get it published.

To acheive these, I think I will have to actually do something and eliminate habits of going out, playing computer games and lounging about. Phew, makes me tired just thinking about it....


Monday, September 25, 2006

Whew...what a ride

Well, its been exactly one month since my last post and I have officially exactly no news to deliver. The only thing that has happened is me putting my university preferences after procrastinating for weeks. I put down three journalism/law courses, and then picked the rest at random - commerce, economics, and one medical science course, just to have a bit of variety.

This past month has been so boring, I bet even studying (for the HSC of course) would be more interesting, however, I am simply too lazy and demotivated to bother studying. Instead, I have opted to sit on the mezzanine(?) level of the library, and listen to music on the yahoo website. Unfortunately, it is a commercial website and I seem to be listening to a lot more American ads that actual music. Also, I have open like...10 webpages, and I slowed the computer down.

Oh alright, I haven't been entirely truthful. I had this one really bad day, when I thought I could walk to the shopping centre from school. Unfortunately (for me that is), I forgot there was an extra road that I didn't include in my 'calculations', and nearly had a breakdown in the middle of the road when I saw how far the shops were. I thought it was at the bottom of the giant hill, but there were two more roads, and I nearly started crying at the prospect of walking so far. Some people (I use this term in the loosest possible sense) decided it would be a good idea to honk and laugh at me. Yeah yeah, there are some sad, sad people in this world who get excited when they see school girls.

Also, my beloved Ricky Muscat was saved from elimination two weeks ago (go Ricky!!). It was too bad stupid, annoying, arrogant Dean Gayer (than Elton John ha ha bad joke I know) didn't get voted out from Australian Idol. ARRRGHH!! He was sooooooo close to going too!

A few people have also been pretty excited about footy this past month. Not being a very big fan of footy, I am still annoyed at the Broncos for going through. How can Nsw, with like 99% of all football teams not qualify? how?? I am also pleased (how Queen Victoria-ish of me!) to note that Sydney Swans got through...its kinda like de ja vu innit? But its good the Victorians didn't get through (take that Eddie Maguaire!)

Well thats the news for the I am probably going to translocate this blog to my space...can anyone suggest a better place?


Saturday, August 26, 2006

RIP Skateboarding

Well I thought skateboarding would be the perfect sport for me. I mean, how hard can it be to move on a plank of wood with four wheels? I was wrong. I managed to go along fine, skating on a flat surface, and even managed to balance myself pretty well and thought I was ready to move to moving on a sloping surface. Unfortunately, I didn't realise that I needed to read a manual on safely disembarking from a moving skateboard.

I was moving at a relatively normal pace, swaying back and fro like a pro (heh rhyme!), and then it started speeding - a bit too much. Since I was wearing thongs, I decided not to jump off and scrape my toes. Instead, I clung on to a lamp post, and eventually fell sideways onto the ground, grazing all the skin off my right elbow, and falling onto my arse. Also, I nearly kissed the base - where all the little doggies of the neighbourhood pee. Ewww....luckily, I live in a pretty deserted street with only the odd kid or two walking past.

So in conclusion, after my little trial with sport, I now have a sore, bruised and swollen upper side thigh and a bleeding elbow....RIP skateboarding.

In other news, I went to UTS and USYD open day, and was suitably impressed with the former. I mean UTS was this ginormous eyesore in the middle of the city - the most ugly building I have ever seen. However, I am desperate and would do practically anything to get into the course that unfortunately has a UAI requirement of 97.00. I am not even considering USYD with its beautiful sandstone building - in fact, I only spent about 10mins in there after I realised the UAI needed was 99.55.

Damn you USYD!!!