Friday, August 04, 2006

First Post!!

Well I'm back! Anyway, seeing as no one was around the first time to view this, I've decided to actually tell people.
Anyway, moving on, I've decided to place an ad in the newspaper offering to finish my eeII story. Here is how it goes:

Brilliantly clever creative writer to finish writing short story. Only needs to write 5000 more words for my pathetically poor string of words. Will recieve salary as soon as owner finds work. Must be prepared to face long hours.

Unfortunately, I happened to fall short of some cash to place ad in newspaper - cutting short my hopes.

So I was thinking about all the careers I wanted to have yesterday, and I realised that I really did want to be a lot of things...
First there was:

1) Pilot
2)Fashion designer
3)Air Hostess
8)Police officer
13)School teacher
14)Uni professer

Hmmm its a very long list, but I only started seriously thinking from number 11 onwards. The other ten were planned before the age of sixteen, therefore do not count.

Anyway, getting off the topic of the future and to the positive side, the trials are nearly over!!! Do I hear an applause? Do I? Do I? Must be my own head then, or the obscene amount of happiness I feel regardless of the trials. And this happiness I'm feeling has nothing to do with the trials getting over. I've been feeling this sort of euphoria for more than two weeks now...though I haven't seen him for a week now... Anyhoodles, I just read an email from a certain someone from my economics class talking about how the 'test wasn't so hard after all'. ARGHHH easy for some smartypants to say! THEY did'nt mix up two essay questions and create their own! Why must people gloat? Why?

So I'm leaving it there, and abruptly ending my first post.

Peace out.