Thursday, August 10, 2006

Worst Nightmare!!!

Yay! The trails are finally over! I can't believe it, so I ended up pincing myself a few times. I need sleep as I stayed up till 12:30 (I was attempting an all-nighter) and then gave up. Stupid biology test - I didn't know the question said label structure 1 and structure 2, I just wrote down one answer. Arrggghhh!!! One easy mark lost! Ah well what can one do?

Anyway, apart from my nightmare of failing bio coming true, another nightmare came true for me today. I caught this train to Stratsfield (a Woy Woy granny train) and as soon as I stepped in, I could totally tell there was something wrong. There was like this funny smell, and all the seats were taken! And this is the first carriage. So I shrugged, and walked to the next carraige - and WHAM! A whole bunch of country folks had occupied the whole bloody compartment. Now I'm no stickler for rules (ok I lie I'm a goody-two-shoe), but there were all these people who would sit on the outer seat, and leave the inner one empty so as to avoid having someone sit next to them.
Not only did this drive me crazy, I am now totally prejudiced against country people. After finally finding a seat next to this woman, the people in front of me decided it was the perfect time to start singing 'Home on the Range' along with arm movements. Being sleep deprived as I was, I tried to ignore them and close my eyes and get some sleep - but it was impossible. The chick in front of my had really nice blond hair, but there really was no need to flick it into my face at every possible moment. Yeah I know you got up at four in the morning to straighten it, and yeah you're trying to impress your boyfriend or whatever, but hey, he's already staring at your boobs, what more do you want? Please just shut up and let me sleep.
Not only was she annoying, she was bloody dumb. After flicking her hair for about half an hour, she suddenly exclaims: "Oh my gosh, I just pulled out a clump of my hair! What the hell?' See that is what happens when you touch your hair 24/7. Her friend replied: "Just tie it up, we wont get to the city for another two stops, then we can get hot guys".
Well that made me laugh - seriously, I nearly laughed out into her face. I have not seen any hot guys in the city - well maybe the odd one or two, but the city is full of dirty homeless people who leer at you. So the whole train full of hillybillies were headed off to the city for the weekend. Why to they go to the city every Friday arvo? Am I missing out on something here?
Oh yeah, and why is it that all these people dress the same? I mean apart from the blond chick who seemed to have missed the nearly sub-zero temperatures and was wearing singlet, they all seemed to be dressed in ugh-boots, brown jackets (ewww), or brown pants (yuck makes me gagg), light blue bell bottom jeans or other clothes from last years seasons. I mean, gypsy skirts were so last summer.

Anyway, to end my narrative, it was one of my nightmare come true - the weird smell, the bizarre sleeping man with the banjolele, the singing and arm waving, hair flicking and all, its not enough to dampen the euphoria I feel from the end of the trials. (Please God, if you're listening, don't do that again, I beg you).